Wednesday 30 March 2011

Stop coruptiei! Stop corruption!

                       Am citit pe diferite siteuri despre tot felul de subiecte si situatii, in care persoanele intampina dificultati intr-o tara straina, in cazul nostru Belgia! Dar... despre subiectul coruptiei, nimeni nu spune nimic desi, fenomenul este foarte raspandit in toata Europa! Stiu cazuri si am cunoscut oameni de acest fel in experienta mea din Spania, dar si aici in Belgia!
                       Am venit in Belgia, cu ajutorul verisoarei prietenului meu, care este o persoana religioasa, doar pentru a-si urmarii interesele personale...dar asta urma sa aflam ulterior! Oamenii de acest gen, procedeaza astfel.... avand putina experienta fiind aici de ceva timp si stiind limba si persoane care au nevoie de muncitori, stabilesc ca ei pot aduce oameni care sa le poata presta tot felul de servicii! Persoanele care sunt aduse in acest sens, sunt persoane foarte modeste, care nu au avut accesul la informatie si nici nu le sunt oferite nici un fel de informatie si atunci ei sunt foarte usor de manipulat! Acesti oameni pretind in urma "ajutorului" oferit, o suma de bani, sub o forma de taxa care trebuie platita lunar! In cazul nostru au numit-o "banii pentru contract" … doar ca esti adus sa muncesti la negru si nu exista nici un fel de contract! Am mai aflat ca, in fiecare vara, comisionarii aduc zeci de persoane care sunt "folosite" in acest sens! In timp ce, ei umbla in masini de lux si isi construiesc proprietati de pe urma bietilor oameni! Este foarte mult de discutat pe tema asta, si fenomenul este cunoscut foarte bine in randul oamenilor, dar nimeni nu spune si nu face nimic!
                        Astept pareri si sugestii, ca sa putem dezbate acest fenomen in scopul ca mai multa lume sa isi deschida ochii si sa nu se mai lase folositi.

                       I read on different sites about all sorts of subjects and situations in which people have difficulty in a foreign country, in our case Belgium! But ... on the subject of corruption, although nobody says anything, the phenomenon is widespread all over Europe! I met people and  know cases of this kind in my experience in Spain, and here in Belgium. 

                       I came to Belgium with my friend cousin who is a religious person, only to watch their personal interests ... but that was to find out later! People like this, doing so .... having little experience being here for some time and knowing the language and people who need workers, they can establish that they can bring people to provide all kinds of services! People who are brought here are very modest persons who did not have access to information and are not offered any information and then they are very easy to handle! These people claim after "aid" offered a sum of money as a form of tax to be paid monthly! In our case they called a "money for the contract" ... in real life there is no contract just te tax you pay them! I learned that each summer, the commissioners bring dozens of people that are used in this sense! While they drive in luxury cars and build their houses! It is very much to talk about it, and the phenomenon is well known among men, but no one says and does nothing!

                      I wait your opinions and suggestions and the subject so we can discuss this phenomenon in order that more people open their eyes.

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